
08.11.2013 Colossians 1:24-29 - Making a Difference

Jeff Yackley
We are continuing in Colossians 1 today – I’ll be tag-teaming with Pastor Mike - Colossians 1: 25-27
25 Of [this church] I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, that I might fully carry out the [preaching of] the word of God, 26 [that is,] the mystery which has been hidden from the [past] ages and generations; but has now been manifested to His saints, 27 to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

I’d like to highlight – verse 26
the mystery which has been hidden from the [past] ages and generations; but has now been manifested to His saints,

What is that mystery? That is Christ in you – what does that mean?

First of all -
“Mystery” doesn’t mean mystery – like in a mystery novel. A better translation might be a Secret – God had a secret and he has revealed it in Christ. In the Old Testament, they had pictures of Christ – shadows of Christ – and some prophecies about it that wouldn’t really make sense until you got to Christ Himself. Then, in the NT, when Christ is revealed, He is the solution to that mystery – He is the answer to that secret. So the first thing we need to do is to UNDERSTAND the mystery. The mystery of Christ in us – how can we understand what that means?

You may have heard me share on this before – but I think one of the most poignant stories that illustrates the power of a mystery – the power of UNDERSTANDING a mystery – the power of understanding a mystery that saves lives – is the story of a 10 year old girl named Tilly Smith…


She understood something that no one else there understood. Her first problem was that she recognized it – but no one would listen – maybe because she was only 10 years old.

1 Tim. 4:12 Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but [rather] in speech, conduct, love, faith [and] purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.

So we first need to understand the mystery that has been revealed to us – like Tilly understood the mystery of the frothy ocean – we need to understand that there is a mystery, a secret, that has been revealed – and that is Christ in us.

then we need to unlock the mystery. In unlocking it – we need to ask God to help us to understand things. Let’s go on to the next scripture.
I love Luke 24. Earlier in the chapter, it talks about the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this – but after the resurrection, nobody recognizes Jesus. Mary thought He was the gardener. These two disciples…picture this…Jesus comes up to them – they don’t recognize Him – and they’re like, “Are you the only one around here who hasn’t heard about this Jesus who was crucified, and as they walked along the road, Jesus explained to them all the Old Testament scriptures – from Moses and the prophets – that were written about Him. And it wasn’t until later when they were breaking bread, that their eyes were opened to recognize Who Jesus really was.
Later in Luke 24, it says
45 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and rise again from the dead the third day; 47 and that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
When you look in Acts – you see the early church –and we try to pattern our churches after the early church – they began in Jerusalem, spread to Judea and all Samaria and then to the ends of the earth.

So we need to ask Christ - as we go to read our Bibles –– to ask Christ to open our hearts to understand it. So, first we need to
understand the mystery, then we need to unlock the mystery, and finally, – we need to unleash that mystery to them.

Let’s go back to Tilly – Tilly and her family are walking along the beach in Thailand – she notices the water – her family is not listening – so finally – she gets so frustrated and plops down on the beach and says she is not going any farther until they go back to the hotel. She was passionate about it because she knew she was right! Finally, she convinces her dad to take her back - They get back to the hotel, and the dad goes to the security guard and says, “You might think that I am absolutely bonkers – but my daughter is completely convinced that there is going to be a tsunami.” And the Japanese man overhears it and confirms the truth and validity of what Tilly was saying.

Something in proclaiming the truth – that is really helpful – and I encourage you, as you are sharing with your friends – is the power of networking. First, Tilly had to convince her dad – once she convinced him – he goes to the security guard, but even at that point, the dad is like, ‘you know…you might think I’m crazy – but as we share the gospel with people, we might think that they think we are crazy – but, as they come to understand the truth of the gospel, they will understand as well that it all makes sense – it all fits so perfectly together – the OT and NT and Christ fulfilling and being the answer to that secret – they will understand that and understand that we are not ‘absolutely bonkers’ – but the point I was making – the power of networking. If you are sharing the gospel with someone or sharing what you are learning from the scripture – it is very valuable to have someone else on your side – someone who is with you – or other believers in this person’s life – or for you to come along and say – “I have found that to be really true in my life” How powerful and valuable that is! As you think about your friends who don’t know the Lord, think about people – maybe in this body – who have similar interests to their interests – where you can network and bond and forge a community where someone is loved – and where the gospel can go forth because of - where two or more witnesses are, the truth is more firmly established. So anyway – they convince the security guard – who sounds the alarm and clears the beach.

Good thing Tilly was there. It is estimated that 250,000-270,000 people died that day. 5000 on the shores of Thailand alone. But at that hotel, and on that beach, not one soul was lost – because – a little girl had a little knowledge, and some passion and conviction and a willingness to stand up for what is true to make sure that beach was cleared. Now the question begs to be asked - Where are you? Are you enjoying a day at the beach, walking along, thinking that nothing is wrong? Or have you sought shelter on the higher ground? Maybe you’re on the top of the hotel looking out, feeling bad for all those people out there who don’t know, but here comes the wave and they’re all getting washed away.
I apologize that the video was a little graphic – but to be honest with you – the fact that people die and go to hell is a lot more graphic than that.

Where are your friends and family? It is your turn to speak. How will they learn the mystery unless you tell them?

Think about your friends – Where are they in their spiritual journeys? What is the next step? - What barriers are there that can be removed – that God has given you some insight, through reading His word – that you can help to remove (and being careful to think through your own life to make sure you don’t have a plank in your own eye). As God has revealed this secret – this mystery of Christ in us – to you - Consider where your friends are on their spiritual journey...

Mike Marette:
Colossians 1:24-25
He starts off talking about rejoicing in suffering – and then talks about filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body – that is, the church. It does NOT mean that Jesus’ suffering on the cross was not enough to pay for your sins. Paul is saying, and Jesus said the same thing – if we want to be faithful to Christ’s mission on this earth - As we engage in this mission – there will be difficulty -struggle, suffering and persecution. Paul is saying – if your desire is to do this – you need to expect to struggle to some degree and to suffer to some degree for the sake of those you wish to minister to. In our culture, this concept of suffering so that someone does well does not sell well. You don’t hear ads – buy our car to help others and cause you to suffer!
Revelation is a history of that persecution. It is filled, in the Bible, and in the world.
We experience genuine peace and a lack of suffering. In the world today, throughout the Middle East, China, Africa, there are those who are suffering for their faith. Paul relates.
How does that relate to us? We don’t need to go out and suffer needlessly. That is not what we are supposed to do – we can be grateful for our circumstances and freedoms. All of that can change in a moment. You can see it in history. It can happen; I’m not preaching doomsday. It may not happen here in our lifetimes – but it may. To think that it can’t – well, we need to be prepared if it does.
Am I living with the type of commitment and devotion to the mission of Christ that may cause me persecution? Or is my lifestyle so close to the culture that there is no chance of suffering. Paul is writing to the Colossians in concern that they are conforming to the culture around them, like there is no distinction between the church and society. God has called us to be different – not weird different, but different different because of our devotion to Him. Too often, we only think of it in the negative perspective – we are different because we DON’T DO certain things – but we should be different in what we DO – how we treat people – how we respond to adversity – by helping others to do well.
God is calling us to live in such a way that causes difficulty for ourselves but to benefit others. It puts me in a difficult spot – it may cause me to struggle – but may cause others to benefit. If we are living for others’ benefit – to be a servant of others so that they come to Christ – and in caring for them to help them grow. In doing that, opportunity will come up for us to make choices for the sake of others.
Colossians 1:28-29
Paul proclaimed JESUS – not a religion – not a church, not a philosophy, not a set of beliefs or a morality or a better life now! He preached a person – and that person is Jesus Christ. There is a significant difference in those things.
We are the only people (true Christians) who can preach the person of Jesus – that is what we are called to – to preach Christ – to preach that God became man – became one of us – and suffered and died for us – and we can live with Him. That preaching of Christ – it is not only the way we preach the gospel, but the way we build strong and mature Christians. The way we grow as Christians is when we hear Jesus preached and read Jesus’ life. IT acts as a foundation to everything else. Too often, we preach Christ to see someone saved, and then we talk about behavioral modification – and strategies to change – but what we need to continue to do is to proclaim Christ. Yes, we need those other things at times, but none of it is of value if it is not on the foundation of this continual preaching of the person of Christ. Our lives are in Christ – He lives in us. It is not about religion or strategy – but the person of Christ.
We started with this concept of discipleship – being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others. Now – He says he does this – toils with all of His Entergy that He powerfully works within me.
It gives us this sense of something that none of us is matching up to – toiling, struggling that people come to know Christ.
How can I begin? How can I begin giving myself to this cause – proclaiming the purpose of Christ – being conformed to His image? Start it this week –
3 practical things – Find a community – a community to proclaim Jesus in – maybe your neighborhood or your workplace. It could be the Little League – or if your kids are playing soccer – and in that community – wherever it is - - make an effort – toil and struggle – to develop significant relationships and serve people in that community – find ways to create opportunities to proclaim Jesus.
That is step 1 – if you think you don’t have a community – you need to change that – there are all kinds of communities out there.
Find a people group – Nations – Ethnic – every ethnic group – not just Russia/England/China – but much smaller – a category of people. Things like Single Parents – or immigrants or people in addiction – some segment of society to engage in. It has to be something that comes from your heart – someone you are burdened for. IT could be a culture or a race of people – a segment of society where we can engage in ministry to reach.
Finally – Jeff mentioned networking. A person comes to Christ – and you hear the phrase – he and his whole household came to Christ – Family/Extended family/Servants/Employees – this total web of relationships. There is preaching that must be done – but it is this web of relationships where the gospel is spread. We need to understand what it is and who they are and to engage in doing service and ministry in those. To proclaim Jesus to those who are naturally in your network – it is easy, but hard.

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