
June 18, 2023 - Peacemakers in a Violent World

Previously… at Grace Summit – Last week we had some audio issues – but we looked good!

A little recap – since this is part 2

We are going to begin a series next week on the Gospel of Mark. If you’d like to choose a passage and share a 3-7 minute reflection, let me know. I have a list of passages.

We have been talking about being peacemakers – last week – peacemaking like Jesus.

Matthew 5:21 "You have heard that it was said to an older generation, 'Do not murder,' and 'whoever murders will be subjected to judgment.'

Murder – an act of violence – that is an easy one. But you don’t know…

22 But I say to you that anyone who is angry with a brother will be subjected to judgment.

We looked at how anger leads to violence. Jesus says, Yes, but there is some kind of anger that IS violence. The same punishment for murder and violence!

Then He goes on to say:

And whoever insults a brother will be brought before the council, and whoever says 'Fool' will be sent to fiery hell.

There is physical violence – then – insults – when you insult someone, you are doing violence. We live in a world of insults – and we must understand that that is an act of violence that we need not participate in.

Matthew 5:38 38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'

That was the Law – and we think – how barbaric – but in their world, what God was doing with Israel in the Old Testament – he was reducing the escalation of violence and limited the punishment.

Then He goes on:

39 But I say to you, do not resist the evildoer.

So, the context of what we are going to talk about – how to respond to evildoers. It is all about that.

Do not resist. Wow.

What He is saying – do not respond to violence with violence. And then He says this very familiar phrase:

But whoever strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other to him as well.

There is a lot written about what this means.

He is showing – there is a new way to respond to violence.

This covers physical violence, insults, shaming, degrading, and dehumanizing others. Don’t resist the evildoer.

For followers of Jesus (that is us!) violence is overcome by radical peace.

Now, I did not say “Stopped” – because radical peace does not necessarily stop violence, but it overcomes violence. It has power over violence. But, people may continue to be violent. And that is something God wants us to get our head around. Things work differently in God’s realm.

Jesus is calling His followers to a life of non-violence. There is no getting around that. There is none.

NOW – These passages are speaking to the disciples – not to the ‘nations’ of the world – or the ‘police forces’ of the world. But they are speaking to disciples of His kingdom.

When I speak of a life of nonviolence, there is a spectrum in the Christian world to what that means. There are differences of opinion on what exactly that means. That brings the question of the intruder at the door – what do you do? In my opinion, the Bible speaks to defending the innocent – and somehow, we can protect the innocent with non-violence. But good people have differing views on what that means.

I want to look at “Just War Theory” – St. Augustine is the originator – having seven principles of Just War.

I want to think about this in our own lives. Jesus is talking to disciples in this context, and how we are to respond to evildoers in our lives.

You can look up the seven principles of Just War Theory

2 of them:

Always look for nonviolent solutions first. Violent responses should always be the last resort.

How do we do that? With the intruder at the door, you don’t have any time. And yes, there are natural reactions that take place – fight or flight – defending your family or yourself – there is no right answer -there are differing opinions. There are those who will only ‘stand in front of them’

But I will leave it to a person’s conscience.

Yes, the intruder at the door stuff happens. But most of our violent responses are angry responses. We can prepare for nonviolent responses. We CAN choose a nonviolent response.

Jeff Yackley brought up driving on the highway and getting cut off – that happens all the time. You can PREPARE for that. You can always make a nonviolent response. You cannot insult that person in your car even though he can’t hear you. You really can! You can practice and train for that! We get insulted many times – at work, wherever. You can make a nonviolent response to insults.

You can make a nonviolent response to bullying.

Second principle – if resistance is necessary to protect the innocent – use the least violent way possible.

In war – a nation should be thinking – how do we do the least violence to end the conflict and protect the innocent? I don’t know that that happens. But for us – what is the least violent thing to do?

Here are some practical things:

Never result to insults, EVER. There is never a reason to do that.

Even if we think we are doing that to ‘stand up for the truth’ – if you are insulting someone, or calling names, you are standing up for what is false.

Christians need to throw those words out and never use them!

Second – there are some subtle ones on that too – Christians use this when they talk about their faith – “If you knew the Bible, you would…” – that is saying – Are you ignorant? You fool!

Practice nonviolent responses in your daily routine. If there are things that you read or watch, or something someone at work does that make you angry – practice not getting angry! Find a practice!

Develop a nonviolent social media presence.

If you are on social media – think – non-insult page.

Maybe it is a ‘non-talkabout-topic’ page!

There are all these practices we can do to make the life that surrounds our world a place of peace – being a peacemaker.

40 And if someone wants to sue you and to take your tunic, give him your coat also.

Now, this really isn’t for us, so let’s move on. Ha. Many explain this away. Yes, there are frivolous lawsuits today. The key to nonviolence here – understanding ownership. Whose tunic is it? We live in a world where are things are God’s. But hey, we live in America where all things are ours! Ha. Yes, we have private property – but it all belongs to God.

41 And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two.

Context – the action of an oppressor. For them it was Rome and Roman soldiers. The Roman soldiers could ask someone to carry their load for a mile. So, when evildoers with authority say this – double it!

It is radical peacemaking.

Give to the one who asks you, and do not reject the one who wants to borrow from you.

This, again, is about oppressors.

When the zombie apocalypse happens and the power grid goes down – and your generator is working and they show up at your door – this verse becomes applicable! There are other situations – think about it – share.

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; (Phi 3:20 NAU)

The only way to be a Jesus-type peacemaker is to understand that we are citizens of another kingdom.

There are only 2 nations in human history called directly into existence by God – The Old Testament Israel – and the Church.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; (1Peter 2:9 NAS)

On Earth, Jesus was creating, forming, birthing a new nation – we are citizens of.

Jesus said – before Pilate – are you a king? “My kingdom is not of this world”

That has – OF – a double meaning – a heavenly kingdom – you are to be in the world but not OF the world. His kingdom is not like the kingdom/nations of the world.

It is radically different than all nations of the world. Jesus is the king of that nation – and its constitution is the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of His teachings. And it is to that constitution that we owe our loyalty and allegiance.

Now, in doing that – we still seek the welfare of the nation we live in – as Jeremiah told the dispersed Jews. We hold a dual citizenship – our primary – that of Jesus and for me – The United States of America. But I engage in those political structures the way that Daniel did – as an exile, alien, stranger, immigrant. I am going to my real citizenship eventually – but I am a resident alien. That is a difficult balance as we want to go one way or another.

This alternative nation is made up of a network of small-ish communities – 15 to 10,000 – but not in the hundreds of millions – scattered throughout the earth. They are fellow citizens. Our closest citizenship is with other believers in Christ, regardless of where they live or what form of government they live under.

If the success of the Church becomes bound or tied to any human political party, the kingdom teaching of Jesus will become marginalized. The Sermon on the Mount does not work.

Romans 14: 17 For the kingdom of God does not consist of food and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

These were practical and important disagreements within the church – two groups who sharply disagreed over what is most important –

19 So then, let us pursue what makes for peace and for building up one another. (Romans 14:17-19)

For many believers – the way of peace is to remove or disassociate with those who disagree. It is happening now in churches and denominations.

Paul goes on to say – because they are serving Jesus. Paul is saying – Jesus is standing with them! But they are wrong on their scriptural understanding – and Paul is saying – they will stand, because Jesus is standing next to them!

Imagine saying something about someone – but realizing – there is Jesus with his arm around them! That would change things!

Romans 12:

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

(Romans 12:18)

Sometimes it is not possible, but do all you can. There are some who just don’t want peace and we’ll have to leave it – and if necessary – leave them.

But we should do everything we can do to make peace. Everything we can to find peace.

Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness, for without it no one will see the Lord. (Heb 12:14 NET)

Boy, holiness, we get! You better be holy! But you better be a person of peace!

Psa 34:14 Depart from evil, and do good; Seek peace, and pursue it.

"And let him turn away from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and pursue it. (1Pe 3:11 NAS)

Jesus said – love your enemies – pray for them – bless those who curse you – do good!

Seek peace by doing good even to those who are evildoers.

Closing practical application to take with you

Identify a situation or group that need a peacemaker. It may be in your family – church – neighborhood or community – but being a peacemaker is an active thing. Not just a ‘maybe it will happen’ - but find opportunities in your life to be a peacemaker. Engage in it – step out.

Be quick to recognize when we have disturbed the peace – in family – in community – and we need to understand how we do that. Are there things we say or ways that we approach people that cause the breakdown of peace? We need to understand ourselves in those situations to make the necessary adjustments - and then we need to develop a peace sensitivity – the ability to see that something is amiss in this relationship or situation.

Quick to apologize.

Peacemaking is not just about ending conflict, but it is restoring and making healthy – restoring relationships and making relationships healthy.

Let’s pray

Lord, these may feel like heavy and difficult things – but You are the only one who can give us the grace, mercy and strength we need. We have all failed – not being peacemakers but peacebreakers. In our own families and church – help us to engage in a life of peacemaking.

Grace Summit Closed January 21, 2024 Please enjoy our archive of services at

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